If you're wondering who I am . . .
I was raised in the American Deep South and moved to Dublin years ago to do a Master's Degree at the National College of Art and Design. Being a dual citizen has not been easy, but it has given my illustration a new depth, a cheerful colour palette, and a distinct femininity. I have now completed both an MA in Visual Communications and an MA in History of Design and Applied Arts. I am on the Board of Directors for both Illustrators Ireland and iBbYIreland. I lecture part-time at Ballyfermot College where I founded the Illustration (HND) course. I am a middle career illustrator, and though I illustrate children's picture books, I teach third level ages, and I enjoy engaging all ages in making pictures. My most recent books are Pigin's Unexpected Surprise (by Kathleen Watkins, Gill) and ST George and the Dragon (by David McNiven, Lomond Books), both due out later this year.

Please follow me here, or on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/masillustration/?hl=en), Twitter (https://twitter.com/masIllustration) or FB (https://www.facebook.com/margaret-anne-suggs-illustration-1600062160272954) to see how I progress and to participate yourself.
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